Childish Gambino & Hiro Murai Might Have Created 2018’s Best Video In ‘This Is America’

Childish Gambino is no stranger to putting out dope work in combination with- much needed these days- true artistic visuals but the video for ‘This Is America’ takes it to a whole other level -captivating to say the least-. I don’t think i’ve ever seen an instance where just about every major media outlet try’s to dissect a video’s meaning ( might have the best interpretation thus far) especially this soon after the video’s drop. Given the current world climate in combination with some drastic artistry there is just so much going on in the video much of it is open to interpretation and interpretations have ranged from sensible to down right dumb. Still as with all great art its got people talking and its opened up dialogue for MANY topics which at the end of the day means as an artist you have done your job. Best video of the year? Might be.