Throw Back! Big Johnson T Shirts, Because You Ain’t Doin It Big Unless You Doin’ It Big Johnson Big!

If you don’t know let us school you. The Big Johnson Tee shirt was big during the late 80’s early 90’s. It featured a nerdy character usually with sexy woman around him doing various activities that were turned into sexual innuendo’s. The brand is still in business and you can still find these tee’s at your local flee market but some of the older shirts are not as easy to find. The most popular has to be the “Bar And Casino” shirt but any one of them is a classic. At this point its only a matter of time before one of these t shirt brands decides to do a collab, someone like Tits brand,Mishka Supreme, Stussy etc. but remember DeFY. New York was at it first! Take a trip back with the pics below!